Figurative Oil Paintings


Figurative Pastel


Digital Figure Paintings


Gouache Figure Paintings


Cloud Scape Block Prints


Lake Scapes


Floral Paintings


I am interested in images that invite the viewer to enjoy the luxury of slow looking. I seek to create paintings that reveal their story and mood over time. Paintings that resonate with overtones of theatre or music. As if they were a moment in time or a song that stays with you.  

I find it curious that a smear of oil paint on a surface can create a sense of the Real. I think this goes beyond questions of realism, representation or abstraction. The search for how much information and context is needed for a composition to engage your attention. This is the mystery that I continually try to solve as I search for these moments.   

With color harmonies, a graphic sense of composition, and active mark making I create visual stories that share my experience of seeing beauty and mystery in the world around us. These image stories become a means for talking about the world within us. The visible physical image as a metaphor for the ethereal nature of our experience.
