Figurative Oil Paintings
Figurative Pastel
Digital Figure Paintings
Gouache Figure Paintings
Gouache, 8.5 by 11 inches, 2020.
Cloud Scape Block Prints
Lake Scapes
Floral Paintings
I am interested in images that invite the viewer to enjoy the luxury of slow looking. I seek to create paintings that reveal their story and mood over time. Paintings that resonate with overtones of theatre or music. As if they were a moment in time or a song that stays with you.
I find it curious that a smear of oil paint on a surface can create a sense of the Real. I think this goes beyond questions of realism, representation or abstraction. The search for how much information and context is needed for a composition to engage your attention. This is the mystery that I continually try to solve as I search for these moments.
With color harmonies, a graphic sense of composition, and active mark making I create visual stories that share my experience of seeing beauty and mystery in the world around us. These image stories become a means for talking about the world within us. The visible physical image as a metaphor for the ethereal nature of our experience.
Recently I've begun working from the figure again. It has been on my mind to return to the figure in my imagery. I had researched drawing groups around town and then COVID took over. It seemed as if drawing and working from a live model was not to be for 2020. I happily found out otherwise.
It came up in conversation, that time has become such a heightened experience during this pandemic. Seeming to stand still, yet the seasons remind us that time is clearly moving on. Few things symbolize permanence like mountains…
If you take the basic elements of a still life painting composition, there are only a small number of actors/settings/props needed for the illusion to begin. Now consider the variables involved in the process of painting from observation (lighting situation, paint treatment, composition, detail vs general). Multiply this by the variables present in even one human artist